We’ve All Become Crypto Enthusiasts Now

Following the initial public offering of a cryptocurrency exchange, several hundred women met in a virtual conference room to discuss Bitcoin. Claire Wasserman, co-host of the event, said she hoped the attendance would show how committed everyone is to get wealthy. Crypto will alter the way people live, work, and transact.


During the discussion, attendees discussed digital currency. One woman told of investment success after posing as a man on online forums for pick-up artists. Another said that during the pandemic, she doubled her savings in crypto.

They urged women to buy Bitcoin and hold on to it for the long term, even if it was just $5 or $25. They advised about security, privacy, and taxes and looked at crypto start-ups as promising careers that could use more women. They advocated against the financial patriarchy and announced an upcoming session on non-fungible tokens.

During the early days of Bitcoin’s popularity in art, sport, entertainment, and media, this type of discussion took place in message boards, tweets, conference calls, and Clubhouse panels. Since then, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have become big business, making a lot of people wealthy. That makes it hard for anyone to ignore the category.

Does this seem like a bad dream?

Crypto mining

Investing in index funds or 401(k) s is passive, predictable, and responsible, yet an outsider named Beeple sells a $140 million NFT of a digital collage for $69 million.

This was the thought Mark Greenberg had when he auctioned off an unpublished photograph of Andy Warhol that he took in 1985. After the bidding reached $100,000, he found himself excited. He had not worked much since the pandemic, and this money would help to arrange his daughter’s wedding and his newly purchased house. When he thought about it, he became cautious. What would happen to the sale of his auction if he suddenly died at the age of 69 and had some health issues?

His cryptocurrency accounts were locked due to the security measures implemented.Immediately following the sale, he realized that things had gone wrong. “My head started vibrating,” he said. “Am I having a bad dream?”

Mr Greenberg learned his cryptocurrency was permanently gone. To make matters worse, a royalty was paid by Mr Greenberg when his NFT was resold.

In addition, the sellers have had difficulty cashing out their payments and issues with impersonation, false transactions, and faulty auction websites.Crypto art is now available on sites that could go out of business, causing concerns over energy consumption and preserving access to it. Considering that it is a new industry, many predict the initial excitement will fade.Though disappointed by the disappearance of the windfall, Mr Greenberg remained committed to NFTs. To fulfil this plan, he has set up a new account and plans to auction off several more images.

A lot of effort was put into it.

The listing of Coinbase shares on the stock market helped solidify the credibility of digital currencies. Early believers rejoiced in the validation.

In 2012, Marc Bernegger purchased some Bitcoin at $7 and gave the coins to friends, trying to explain the technology’s potential to them. The majority of them, he told, didn’t care. It wasn’t an investment, so he spent it on Bitcoin magazines and a gambling game! He kept the rest and sold it at $30 in two days.

Read More :In March 2020, crypto exchanges saw the biggest Bitcoin inflow since ‘Black Thursday.

In Crypto Finance Group, a brokerage and asset manager based in Switzerland, Mr. Bernegger has become an investor, and friends seek his advice on crypto investments. He advises his clients to buy for the long term and ignore any volatility along the way. His advice to his friends was, “buy something to give to your children if you believe in it”.