The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order

An overview of the age of cryptocurrency


A form of anonymous cryptographic electronic money was created in 1983 by American cryptographer David Chaum. Digicash, a cryptographic electronic payment method introduced in 1995, enabled him to implement the scheme. A pseudonymous developer named Satoshi Nakamoto, presumably Satoshi Nakamoto, created the first decentralized cryptocurrency, bitcoin, in 2009. According to reports, the Treasury of the United Kingdom commissioned a study on cryptocurrencies on 6 August 2014.

Thrilled by the rapid rise in popularity of digital currencies, early adopters and investors have added them to their digital wallets with urgency. However, because cryptocurrency prices continue to be volatile, it is essential to consider the risks, rewards, and future holds for the cryptocurrency market.

How‌ ‌do Bitcoin and Digital Money challenge global economics?

The Bitcoin phenomenon became a trend‌ ‌overnight. Its popularity fuels endless media debates and regularly features in headlines. But, unfortunately, many people don’t understand how to use it, even though it can be used to buy anything from coffee to cars.

While billions of unbanked people in the world, cyber-money is poised to disrupt traditional social and financial structures. A cryptocurrency-based financial system presents a promise of eliminating middlemen, being owned and managed by its users, and avoiding the devastation resulting from a 2008‌ ‌crash.

Compared to other cyber-monies, bitcoin is the most well-known, known for its instabilities, wild fluctuations, and illicit operations. Some worry that bitcoin has the ability to destroy jobs and to upend the idea of nation-states. In most cases, it implies profound and wide-ranging change, both for the better and the ‌worse. This is a trend that you cannot ignore, and you do so at your risk. They describe the origins of a cybereconomy, its purpose, and what it takes to operate successfully there. Paper currency will no longer be a part of the world’s economy as digital currencies will.

How do Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies impact banking?

How do Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies impact banking?

Currently, blockchain advancements are having a significant financial impact on citizens in both developed and underdeveloped nations. In addition, it is crucial to determine whether the changes will generate positive or negative effects on individuals and large institutions,‌ ‌such‌ ‌as‌ ‌banks. Increasingly, banks are using blockchain technology to transform their financial operations.

Smart Contracts are used in advanced and more modern blockchains that disrupt countless industries, especially the music industry and the energy sector. Intelligent Contracts empower individuals rather than big, wealthy businesses and, in that sense, democratize business. It is true that blockchain technology and all its benefits will transform‌ ‌business. It will, however, take time and caution to bring about this change. Due to its decentralized attributes, Bitcoin, one of the most renowned cryptocurrencies, has already affected many people’s daily lives. In our modern world, it is an unavoidable force that transforms assets and the idea of money.

In what ways are Bitcoins and Digital money different?

Digital Money

Payment methods exist exclusively as electronic transactions. This is because Digital data does not have the same physical properties as‌ ‌a‌ ‌bill‌ ‌or‌ ‌‌coin. Instead, a computer is used to record the accounting information and transfer it. A smart-phone, a credit card, and an online cryptocurrency exchange are just a few of the technologies used to exchange digital money. In addition, a cash withdrawal from an ATM can sometimes be used to convert digital currency to physical cash.


Among digital currencies, bitcoin is among the most commonly used. Essentially, it is the result of solving complex math problems computationally. Decentralization replaces the central banking system or is simply a decentralized system. It is the most common form of cryptocurrency that one knows of nowadays. It comes under the category of Tokens. Tokens are usually given out or taken via an Initial coin offering which is very similar to a stock offering. This isn’t necessarily categorized as money but rather an encryption, such as a bill payment.

How does Bitcoin compare to the characteristics of a good currency?

The Austrian school of economics has collectively written libraries worth of books on this topic. It has popularized a very well-explored set of criteria for what makes a good currency. Scarecity, Liquidity and Fungibility being at the top of the list, there are many traits which the ideal currency would have the best examples of:

  1. Scarecity: Nothing usable as money is as scarce as bitcoin’s 21 million unchangeable limits. It is impossible to edit that number.
  2. Liquidity: The USD is the most liquid currency for the time being, but as bitcoin’s adoption increases, its volatility goes down at a predictable rate, and more and more places and people accept it. Considering that only 30% of the planet has access to the USD, but soon 100% will have access to bitcoin on their cellphones, it is easy to predict that bitcoin will become the planet’s most liquid currency, in a way no currency has ever been before.
  3. Fungibility: Fiat currencies were better at this than gold because gold came in many grades of pureness and was stamped by different mints/nations. Bitcoin wins again, though, just, because digital 1’s and 0’s representing units of bitcoin on the blockchain genuinely are no different from each other.
  4. Durability: Bills like the USD are so fragile that jumping into a swimming pool with them could wipe out your savings! Gold was considered the ultimate in durability until now because it’s made of metal. But it could still be melted, and it wasn’t bulletproof. Naturally, bitcoin edges gold out again because there’s nothing you can shoot or burn to destroy your coins. That entire can happen to them is if you lose your private key, which is a problem technology will make more and more impossible to occur each year.

Are there other cryptocurrencies expected to grow along with Bitcoin?

Are there other cryptocurrencies expected to grow along with Bitcoin?

Here is a list of some other digital currencies, besides Bitcoin, that is likely to grow in the ‌future:

Litecoin (LTC)

With Litecoin, you can generate electronic payments without any central authority. Instead, you prove transactions using an encryption algorithm called script.Commercial CPUs are already able to handle the decoding process.

Ethereum (ETH)

An Ethereum application is run using ether, which is a cryptographic token unique to the Ethereum platform. Developers mostly use Ethereum to create and run applications within the Ethereum platform. Ethereum is like a motor vehicle that transports you around the platform.

Zcash (ZEC)

Transparency is selectively available for Zcash transactions while maintaining transaction privacy. Similarly, cash has the same sense of security or privacy that https provides, where all transactions are recorded and published on a blockchain. However, recipients, senders, and amounts are entirely‌ ‌private.

Dash (DASH)

A more secretive version of bitcoin, Dash (originally darkcoin), is an ethereum-like cryptocurrency. With Dash, users enjoy the benefits of greater anonymity thanks to a decentralized network of master codes that makes transactions nearly‌ ‌untraceable.